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Friday, September 28, 2012

Class Trip to Beth Shalom Organic Farm

Friends at the bus :))

On 12th September, Grade 6 classes has class trips to Beth Shalom Organic Farm. My class, 6D, was joined together with 6F for the class trip. Beth Shalom Farm was not that far from our school, maybe around 20-30 minutes by bus. Since the road going there is small, we've got to stop with the bus and use smaller cars halfway there. In Beth Shalom, we learned about monocotyledon and dicotyledon plants, different types of artificial vegetative reproduction, such as grafting and air layering, and we also got to have our own plant to be brought back to school for our next AA score. 
Friends at the bus :)
We were explained about mono/dicotyledons
 So, when we arrived there, we were introduced about Beth Shalom organic farm. Then, we were split into 3 groups. I was in group 3 (If I'm not mistaken :D). Each group has a guide. After that, we were brought around the farm by our guide. He explains about the difference between monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Starting from the root to the petals. We were also assigned to pick one small plant from the garden and explain if it was dicotyledon/monocotyledons. Then, our guide showed us about two different methods of artificial vegetative reproduction  ̶  air layering and grafting. Then, we head back to the "meeting point" (that's what I call it :D). FYI, what I call the "meeting point" is where all the 3 groups are gathered together and explained things by the guide. At the meeting point, we had to plant our own plant to be brought back to school. First, we take the stem that have been cut. Then, we take the black plastic and put soil in it. Then, we add some white substances to the edge of the stem to make it grow faster. Then, we tie the plastic with rafia string. Unfortunately, my plant did not grow :((

We were explained about the tools needed for artificial vegetative reproduction
Photo Gallery from our activities in Beth Shalom are displayed here ;)


We were showed examples of mono/dicotyledons around the farm =D7

The picture on the left was when we were showed how to do air layering :-bd

The picture on the right was when we were showed how to do grafting. :-bd

6D and 6F students :p
6D and 6F students :p


  1. nice blog.. to know more about monocotyledons and dicotyledons i recommend you to go to this siteore about monocotyledons and dicotyledons i recommend you to this site

  2. To learn more about monocotyledons and dicotyledons visit this site


Raichu - 6